Simple Angular Website for CRUD Operations

  1. Please open CMD and type ng new add-two-numbers. (How to create an Application)
  2. After the installation-
    1. Open Visual Code/Sublime etc..
    2. Open the project in IDE
Folder Structure (Default)

HTML page for Add-Two-Number Project

Component for Add-Two-Number Project

  1. Once everything is done
  2. Open CMD 
  3. type ng build
  4. If build is successfull, then type ng serve. you will get the below result.(How to Run an Application)

Running application in browser

Now you successfully completed your add two number project.

Click Here to download this project .
After download this project-

  • Go to the folder.
  • Open CMD and type npm install.
  • Once it done, Then run ng build, ng serve.
  • Open http://localhost:4200 in your browser.